Friday 4 September 2015

What can global online advertising network do for your brand?

As a business, it doesn’t matter if you are selling to a large audience or a niche audience. You will meet your bottom line in either case as long as your audience is made aware of your existence. Advertising has been since time immortal a sure means of making your target audience aware of your product or service and making sure that the right customers – read paying customers – come to you, rather than you having to go to them. After all… you are not a travelling salesman.
In the past traditional advertising was the way to go for all business – big or small. Traditional advertising largely covers print, radio, television, outdoor, direct mailing, etc. In the past, media planners in ad agencies would strategize and narrow down on the right medium or a mix of mediums to reach a brand’s customers. This was a long drawn method used for advertising and back then it did work. Overtime though, there was a clutter of advertising. With the rise and increase in variety of brands, businesses and companies, there began a rise in advertisements. Ever switched on the radio in recent times? When the radio show goes into a commercial break, you will be flooded with about 15 ads in that one miniscule tiny minute before the next song begins. This is what happens when there are many sellers in the market. The overload of ads also have the drawback of customers tuning out ads and ignoring commercial breaks. A new generation came about… the Y2K generation. These are the people who are tech savvy and are always on portable devices or computers, etc. How will your TV ad or print ad reach them when they consume traditional TV shows and news using their computers?

This called for a new form of advertising. Online advertising was born. Online advertising uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. And overtime, online advertising has been developed in such a manner that it can tune out the larger audience and only reach the target audience. What this means is that if a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) accessory company is trying to sell its products online, it will promote its ads on sites that are dedicated to combat sports. This will ensure that the company is reaching its target audience and making the most of potential customers on that site. This sort of narrowed down online advertising is possible when you employ global online advertising networks to handle your online presence. A good global online advertising network would ideally have a sound and simple platform that would work in partnership with the existing advertising solution employed by your company. Some of the largest global online advertising networks come from big search engines. These networks have good leverage and are typically in a better position to sell all of their ad space to an advertisement network. Hence, it would be a good idea to get in league with the big cats of advertising. But if budgets are tight, you can do a recon of other smaller networks that also are quite capable of delivering the good and you so deeply desire and thus enable you to target your target audience and make your bottom line.  

So, go global and watch the big bucks roll in!

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